Red cross blood drive
Katrina Rozeveld
May 17, 2020
We had a blessed opportunity to host a community blood drive for the Red Cross. During these challenging times, many drives have been cancelled throughout the country, resulting in a deficit of blood without a decrease in the need. When a drive in our community was cancelled for May 7th, Red Cross asked if we would be able to host. As a very practical way to serve our community, Red Cross, and donors who come in to give so consistently, we opened up our doors to host for the first time!
Initially, we were given 45 appointment slots, most of which filled up within the first week. Red Cross then scheduled more staff, allowing for a total of 15 additional slots, all of which were filled again! This was all a testimony to the willingness of so many in our community to gladly give blood during these times.
All donors got their temperature taken upon arrival (and all checked out!)
The entire east wing of the main floor was opened up to accomodate all the extra appointments
Thank you to all our amazing volunteers!